Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Josh's Tummy Hurts

I just got a call from the school nurse letting me know that Josh came to the nurses office with a stomach ache after lunch. I resisted the urge to ask what they'd fed him at lunch. She actually mentioned that he said it had hurt a bit before lunch and then more after. He's gone back to class because she has a few other children in the nurse's office that are sicker than Josh and she didn't want him to get what they have. I thanked her profusely for that. Plus, she said that after resting a bit he said he felt much better. I promised her I'd keep my phone handy this afternoon in case he comes back with more stomach problems.

When I think about it, every time that either Josh or Joey have had stomach aches, it's always been on Tuesday. This has only happened to Joey once and he was really sick. But it's not uncommon for Josh. So, what's different about Tuesday? They get up 1/2 hour earlier to go to Chess Club before school. And their breakfast is more "on the go", like breakfast bars, bagels, fruit and less time consuming like cereal with milk or Eggos with syrup. Plus they eat earlier because of the whole early school thing. Josh doesn't know the difference between hunger and stomach pain. Maybe before lunch, he's just hungry. Then, on top of that, I've been teaching him to eat until he's just a little over full so we can stretch out his stomach and he can eat enough to grow. Perhaps he's overeating because he's hungry and his Mom wants him to eat until he's just a little over full. Then after resting a little after lunch, he digests some food and all is better.

Hmmm...hope this is right. This would be reasonably easy to fix with a bit better planning on my part. Hope he's not really sick.

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