Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful first Valentine's Day together! It could have gone either way given events of late, but we were all on good behavior. We got up early to have a Valentine's breakfast. I woke them up with their presents from me. Josh loved his big monkey and Joey just  bloomed for his puppy dog. He immediately named his puppy dog Kathleen. Josh didn't name his until tonight...he named him Coco. Aunt Chris came over and we ate breakfast tacos and cinnamon buns. We all exchanged cards and gifts and such. Joey gave me a chocolate rose and Josh gave me a little heart shaped box of chocolates. We went to church then went to Lifetime so I could indulge myself in my Valentine's Day massage. Later we walked together at the middle school track and dropped by Piper's house to deliver BB Hawkins...Bumble Bee adorable Valentine's Day bumble bee stuffed animal the boys wanted to get for Piper. The afternoon wrapped up with Josh's homework, dinner and a bunch of reading. Finally we all watched Olympic mogul freestyle. After just a few minutes of listening to the commentators, after one of the runs, Josh said "That run was tight." Kids are amazing!!

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