Monday, February 22, 2010

Joey's Math Homework

Joey loves to do math, and he hates to get things wrong. He's extremely smart and learns very quickly and logically so he's very easy to teach. Except when he's finished his homework on his own and he's gotten something wrong. He wants me to check his work because he loves how impressed I get with how well he's doing. But sometimes he gets something wrong and can get very upset and very adamant that he's right. Most often he backs off quickly and asks me to explain...which I will and as soon as he sees the concept he can correct his work. But occasionally he insists that his teacher taught him something that she just couldn't have and I have to back off and let him learn it in class.

One night he was working on fractions and got so upset that I thought the total number went on the bottom when he KNEW it went on the top. I tried to reason with him and it just made him more sure. So, I said, "Okay. I'm just trying to help." Then I continued to make dinner. After a few minutes, he very calmly asked me to help him understand where the total goes. So, I did and now he's an expert in fractions. He's an absolute sponge! Helping these two young minds learn things that this is definitely one of the main things I love about being a parent!

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