Friday, September 25, 2009

Joey's First Girlfriend

Monday, driving home from daycare, Joey informed me that Isabella was now his girlfriend. When I asked what that meant to him, he explained that it means that she LIKES him more that the other boys and he LIKES her more than the other girls. He told me that he’s wanted a girlfriend his whole life. When I asked him why, he told me that he wanted to know what it felt like.

I asked, “How does it feel?” He answered, “It feels good. I’m happy.”

Evidently he had asked her to be his girlfriend about 50 times and she finally said she would give him one chance, but if he blew it he would get no more changes. She told him to bring her chocolate. He didn’t ask me to get him chocolate to give to her. Josh suggested he give her some of the chocolate that Grandma had given him and Joey’s response was “It wouldn’t be right to give away something Grandma gave to me.” (That’s impressive!)

The next night Josh asked Joey what he was going to do about giving Isabella chocolate. I was in the kitchen making dinner, so I was far enough away to mind my own business, but close enough to overhear and they knew I could hear them. Joey said “Maybe Mom can make her cookies, but I don’t know if Mom knows how to make cookies.” That made me giggle. Josh said, “Ask her.” When Joey asked I said that I do know how to make cookies, but she hadn’t asked me to make her cookies, she wants Joey to do something for her. He suggested that he could make her cookies and I could help him. I told him we could definitely do that over the weekend.

The next day, on the way home from daycare, Joey tells me that Isabella broke up with him. Josh said that it was because Joey hadn’t brought chocolate. Joey said no, she had broken up with him because he kept following her around everywhere telling her that he would never find a good of a girlfriend as she. She said she felt stalked. Awww, man. Josh was cheering. He doesn’t want Joey to have a girlfriend. Joey bounced back from it within a few minutes.

Note to self: Figure out how to help Joey be just a little less needy with girls before he gets old enough that it actually matters.

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