Friday, December 18, 2009

Second Grade Truce

Wednesday night, right before bed, I asked Joey how his day had gone. He said fine. I asked if anything good happened. Not really. Did anything bad happen? “No, well except when I got hit in the nuts with a lunchbox.” Oh? Are you okay? He said yes, and suggested I could probably guess who it was. Josiah? Yes, but it was an accident. I told him I was proud of him for knowing that it was an accident given their recent history. He said they had talked on Monday and agreed to stop kicking each other in the privates. Plus, Josiah was looking the other way and swinging his lunchbox. He couldn’t have done it on purpose. That’s when I gave him a huge hug and told him how mature it was for them to discuss the problem and agree to a truce. I gave him a chip for making such a smart decision.

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