Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Does Santa know my new name?

On Sunday morning on the drive to church, Josh and I had the following conversation:
Josh: Mom, does Santa know my new name?
Me: Yes he does. And he knows where you live now too.
Josh: Who told him?
Me: (long pause) Jesus told him. You know that Jesus knows your new name and where you are, right?
Josh: Yes.
Me: Well, Jesus and Santa are tight.
...some silence...
Josh: Ok, so Jesus told Santa my new name and Santa will be able to find me on Christmas.
Me: Yes. Christmas is Jesus' birthday, so Christmas is more about Jesus than it is about Santa.
(Yeah, good try.)

Later that day, we were driving to my parents house with my sister (Aunt Chris) to celebrate Aunt Chris' birthday. Joey started talking about not liking science and Aunt Chris was determined to change his mind. She kept starting conversations with Joey that she knew he would find fascinating and want to know more about and then saying, "Joey, do you know what that is? That's science!" It went on a while and became kind of a joke between them. Josh and I didn't really participate. This was a game Aunt Chris and Joey were playing.

Even later that day, my mom was showing Josh the Christmas decorations. He handled each ornament as high up on the tree as he could reach. Never dislodging any of them. Then this conversation occurred:
Josh: Grandma, I know some science.
Grandma: You do?
Josh: Yes.
Grandma: What science do you know?
Josh: Do you know how Santa Claus knows where we are? God tells him. And that's science!

Mom turned towards me with the biggest grin. Kids can say the cutest stuff!!

1 comment:

  1. so CUTE! thanks for sharing! keep the stories coming, i love reading your blog!
