Monday, January 4, 2010


For those of you that have been worried about us over the Christmas holidays, thank you very much and all went well for us. We went to my parents house in Temple to celebrate. Santa came and filled the boys' stockings and left a few toys. He gave them a huge Fun Roller to use outside to roll around in. They loved that toy and it helped them expend a lot of spare energy. He also brought them golf putters and a putting surface with Longhorns on it. They received lots of presents and tons of love. They were both very gracious about all of the gifts and not just ripping into everything. They paid attention to who gave them each thing so they could be thankful. I was really very impressed. The most impressive part was the attention they gave to each gift over the next few days. They would take a certain present and fully open it and figure out what to do with it and make sure everyone knew they enjoyed themselves and liked the present. Then they would go on to the next present.

They both behaved themselves very well. After Joey decided to stop talking smack about Santa, he was a little angel the rest of the visit. Josh had typical kid issues, but nothing even worth writing about. They both agreed that it was the best Christmas EVER! ...which pleases me, but I wasn't going at it like a competition. Really I limited myself quite successfully as I didn't want to set the bar for future Christmas' too high.

I thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! We are all set for an amazing 2010!!

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