Thursday, March 4, 2010


Before I met Josh and Joey, I'd hoped they would want to play soccer. When I did meet them, they both said the didn't like soccer and didn't want to play. As you know, Joey played flag football and Josh played T-ball. Kraig and Shelley gave them a soccer ball as a homecoming present and Michael and Quenby gave them a goal to kick into. They started playing around with it and had fun. Then we went to a couple of Gavin's soccer games and they were both hooked. They've been anxious to start playing soccer ever since.

This week was the first week of soccer practices. Josh has had practice on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both days he's struggled and both days he's cried the whole ride home saying he hates soccer and he can't do anything right. I just hate putting him through this...but every time Josh does almost anything for the first time he goes through the same thing...then he eventually powers through and loves it. I can only pray for that this time too. His coach is awesome and he's got some cool kids on the team with him. We have two games this coming weekend, so maybe it will help to get to play a game in uniform and such.

Joey hasn't had a practice yet because they didn't have a coach for his team. One of the dad's finally volunteered yesterday, so we hope to have practice tomorrow evening. On Tuesday, during Josh's practice, Joey played soccer with a couple of older boys in the park and their dad. He had a blast and learned a lot. Wednesday, Josh's coach invited Joey to practice with them as he knew that Joey's team was having a hard time finding a coach. Again, Joey did great and had so much fun he's ready to give up football forever to become a soccer star!!

I think it's possible that Joey's intense enjoyment is increasing Josh's displeasure with it all. Josh feels that he can't catch a break. Everything and everyone in the world is ganging up against him. I've been working hard to set him up to succeed. It's tough being the youngest and the littlest.

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